The tear ducts take excess tears away from the eye, to the nose. This is why your nose “runs” if your eye is watery…
Blepharitis is a common and persistent inflammation of the eyelids. Symptoms include irritation, itching…
Corneal grafting is also referred to as corneal transplantation. This is an operation in which abnormal host tissue…
Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes which affects the back of the eye or the retina…
Fluorescein Angiography is a diagnostic procedure which uses a special camera to take a series of photographs…
A learning disability is a disorder in understanding or using spoken or written language. Individuals with learning…
Similar to film in a camera, the retina receives images that come through the lens. If the macula is damaged…
Retina is the light sensing layer of tissue that lines back of eye. A specialised area of retina…
Presbyopia, which means “old eye” in Greek, is the gradual loss of the eye’s ability to see things up close…
In retinal detachment, the retina peels away from the choroid and floats in the vitreous cavity…
A squint occurs when one eye is straight and the other eye turns away from the straight position…