  • Leadwood House , Cedar Square, Bonza Bay Road , Beacon Bay , East London
  • Mon to Fri - 8am to 5pm

Patient Information

Patient Information

Medivision 1. Amblyopia

Patching is a technique for treating amblyopia (lazy eye). The good eye is patched to encourage the development…

Medivision 2. Blocked Tear Duct

The tear ducts take excess tears away from the eye, to the nose. This is why your nose “runs” if your eye is watery…

Medivision 3. Blepharitist

Blepharitis is a common and persistent inflammation of the eyelids. Symptoms include irritation, itching…

Medivision 5. Chalazion

The term comes from a Greek word meaning a small lump. It refers to a swelling in the eyelid caused…

Medivision 6. Cataract

Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. The lens is the transparent sphere within the eyeball, behind the pupil…

Medivision 7. Corneal Grafts

Corneal grafting is also referred to as corneal transplantation. This is an operation in which abnormal host tissue…

Medivision 8. Dry Eye

Some people do not produce enough tears to keep the eye comfortable. This is known as dry eye…

Medivision 12. Floaters

The small specks or “bugs” that many people see moving in their field of vision are called floaters…

Medivision 13. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the internal pressure of the eye rises to a point where the optic nerve…

Medivision 17. Macular Hole

Retina is the light sensing layer of tissue that lines back of eye. A specialised area of retina…

Medivision 18. Migraine

Common neurological condition occurring in at least 15-20% of South Africa’s population and in up to 50% of women…

Medivision 19. Presbyopia

Presbyopia, which means “old eye” in Greek, is the gradual loss of the eye’s ability to see things up close…

Medivision 20. Pterygium

A pterygium is a fleshy growth on the outside surface of the eye caused by exposure to sunlight, wind, heat, dust, etc…

Medivision 22. Strabismus

A squint occurs when one eye is straight and the other eye turns away from the straight position…