  • Leadwood House , Cedar Square, Bonza Bay Road , Beacon Bay , East London
  • Mon to Fri - 8am to 5pm



  • A pterygium is a fleshy growth on the outside surface of the eye caused by exposure to sunlight, wind, heat, dust, etc.
  • It has nothing to do with cataract
  • It can affect eyesight if it grows large and forms scarring


Drops from your ophthalmologist can ease the discomfort and redness, but the only way to get rid of a Pterygium is by surgery.

Pterygium Operation

  • Safe, effective and easy to tolerate.
  • General anaesthetic is painless. Some irritation and pain can occur after surgery but painkillers are given.
  • Day surgery only therefore no overnight stay required.
  • Non dissolving sutures will be removed 5-7 days after surgery. Dissolving sutures needn’t be removed.
  • An eyepad is worn for five days after surgery. The eye is mildly red for up to 2-3 weeks after surgery. During this period you will be given eye drops to use.